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Retirement and Transition to Retirement Pensions

Planning for retirement is best done early however it is never too late to consider your retirement plans.

We can implement a retirement strategy that is custom built for your personal financial needs and make the most of your situation regardless of your age.

Superannuation can be used to start an account based pension once a person retires (or meets another condition of release). This allows income to be received as a series of regular payments (usually monthly, quarterly, half yearly, or yearly). Theses pensions are tax free and usually allow access to your money at all times.

If over preservation age but still working, you may not have full access to superannuation but may be able to start an account based pension under the Transition to Retirement (TTR) rules. A TTR pension may also be referred to as a Transition to Retirement Income Stream, or TRIS.

Retirement should be enjoyable, relaxed and with a little planning also financially stress free!