Superannuation is a tax advantaged way of saving for retirement and makes up two of the three “pillars” of the Government’s retirement income policy. The three pillars are:
- A Government funded means-tested age pension
- Compulsory superannuation contribution (i.e. the Superannuation Guarantee)
- Voluntary superannuation contributions
Superannuation is often simply referred to in everyday conversation as “super”. The Australian superannuation sector has grown to become one of the largest private pension funding arrangement in the world with assets exceeding $3.1 trillion as at March 2021.
Superannuation consists of two distinct components:
Compulsory Superannuation
If you work in Australia, your employer may have to contribute to a superannuation fund for you under the Superannuation Guarantee.
In certain limited situations, and industrial award or workplace agreement may impose additional superannuation obligations of an employer.
Superannuation payments are paid by your employer in addition to the salary or wages you receive. If you are eligible for superannuation, your employer will pay your superannuation directly into a superannuation fund.
Voluntary Superannuation
In addition to compulsory superannuation contributions, individuals may make their own personal and tax-deductible contributions, and employers may make additional contributions for an employee, generally structured under a “salary sacrifice” arrangement. Salary sacrificed contributions are made from an employee’s pre-tax salary
There are many different areas that should be considered when dealing with your personal superannuation circumstances:
- Types of Funds
- Types of Contributions and limits
- Choosing what investments to make within Superannuation
- Taxation of Superannuation
- Getting Money Out of Superannuation
- Income Streams
These are but a few of the many areas that need to be considered. We can help you navigate this complex issue in a way that is simple to understand at a pace that suits you.
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